The legendary internationally known premium coffee species, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee was established in PNG in the late 1930's. Go to any gourmet food hall: Harrod's, Galleries Lafayette, David Jones, in fact any speciality gourmet shop and see for yourself the price of Blue Mountain and you will agree that our Blue Mountain coffee is indeed rare and is the finest available. Our coffee is grown in the Papua New Guinea Highlands. It was first planted in PNG in the 1930's from seeds imported from Jamaica by the then British Administrators. At 5000 ft above sea-level where the climatic conditions are the same as the Blue Mountains of Jamaica.
The legendary internationally known premium coffee species, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee was established in PNG in the late 1930's. Go to any gourmet food hall: Harrod's, Galleries Lafayette, David Jones, in fact any speciality gourmet shop and see for yourself the price of Blue Mountain and you will agree that our Blue Mountain coffee is indeed rare and is the finest available. Our coffee is grown in the Papua New Guinea Highlands. It was first planted in PNG in the 1930's from seeds imported from Jamaica by the then British Administrators. At 5000 ft above sea-level where the climatic conditions are the same as the Blue Mountains of Jamaica.
The highlands, runs down the back-bone of the Country, separating Papua from New Guinea. The high altitude and cooler climate is perfect for the cultivation of high-quality Arabica Coffee. 70% of the population are still dependant on subsistence agriculture with small plots of coffee trees. Pure economics dictate traditional and natural farming methods as chemicals, synthetic fertilisers and pesticides are unknown and unobtainable because of the cost and logistics. Resulting in coffee with naturally low levels of caffeine and acidity, with absolutely no trace elements of chemicals and pollutants.
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea shares the eastern portion of the world's second largest island of Indonesia. PNG comprises of 600 islands situated just below the equator and to the north of
Papua New Guinea shares the eastern portion of the world's second largest island of Indonesia. PNG comprises of 600 islands situated just below the equator and to the north of