Thursday, June 21, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Owner Phil Jaber has his system of "by the cup" brewing he does at all the Philz in San Francisco. First, you pick your beans from a detailed list that includes options like the medium-blend Philharmonic or the dark-roasted Jacob's Wonderbar. Then they grind and set it to drip. For the
Philz Coffee in San Francisco has developed a devoted following, and for good reason. The twenty blends that are now available by the pound are the result of 25 years of coffee alchemy and invention.
Philz Coffee specializes in customized blends of different beans from around the world. Every blend has its own unique flavor. If you prefer a light, darkor medium roast, we have it for you! Check out our blend descriptions located in our Online Store for more information..
If you are serious about coffee, we recommend you immediately fly down to Philz C
Ask Phil how many times people have come directly from the airport just to taste his coffee. People who really enjoy quality coffee haveto try it for themselves.
Seattle the Coffee King:

Seattle has the reputation of being the coffee king, when one picks coffee shops. Espresso Vivace certainly has a rich history in the Seattle scene, and noted for their rich Northern Italian espresso. Since 1988, owners David Schomer and Geneva Sullivan have made the art of espresso their life and have delved into roasting, pulling, preparing, pouring and grinding for the perfect shot. Each of their three locations remain unique too, one is a sidewalk bar, another a European style café and the third a more modern coffee shop featuring a cool design.
Monday, February 20, 2012
The Capital of Coffee: VIENNA

One does not go to Vienna without visiting several of the city’s legions of coffee houses to imbibe on the local flavor and tradition!

In Vienna you can have your coffee and cake too...
Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Phenomenon of Marylou and her coffee: Marylou’s is a chain of 16 stores many of which have drive through windows. Both locations in Plymouth have drive through windows making this a very attractive incentive to me. We have a Dunkin’s Donuts 5 minutes from Marylou’s for a long time but it is not a drive through. That combined with the fact that other than their lattes, I cannot stand Dunkin’s Donuts coffee, got me very excited when I saw that another coffee shop was coming to town. We have a Starbucks wannabee on the waterfront but it is not Starbucks and not worth the money whereas in my opinion Starbucks is. So I see Marylou’s as a decent compromise between the dishwater of Dunkin Donuts and the price of Starbucks or their clones. Marylou’s has had a bit of controversy. They have the reputation of hiring young, pretty, sexy young woman. This is not untrue. If you feel like going to their website you will see what the commotion is all about. Thoughts range from one marketing professor feeling that Marylou’s image is appealing without being exploitive while others feel that women’s bodies should not be selling coffee. In the meantime they seem to be doing a very good business.
Separate Coffee and Church...No Way!

We hope that you feel at home when you are here!
We serve coffee with a cause.We offer retail coffee for sale that is all fair trade. For more information on fair trade and our coffee, check out our roaster, One Village Coffee.
We are owned and operated by National Community Church and all profits go towards our community outreach projects.
We have a great lower level as well! This space is ideal for meetings, concerts and other events. E-mail to reserve this space for your private party. Unless otherwise specified, the lower level is available for customer seating.
In 1908, Ernestine Reuter was granted a permit to build a one-level diner at 201 F Street NE. The estimated cost of construction was $2,000. The diner originally served “butter and eggs” to the Union Station travelers before food service was available on the trains.
After nearly twenty-five years of neglect, National Community Church purchased 201 F Street NE on February 7, 2002. The property was successfully rezoned from residential to commercial use in January 2003. Architectural plans were approved by the Historic Preservation Review Board in February 2004. Construction began December 2004 and we opened our doors March 15, 2006.
Every Saturday night, Ebenezers Coffeehouse is transformed into a place of worship and reflection. We have services on Saturday at 5 pm. At Ebenezers, you are sure to be greeted by smiling volunteers who can answer just about any question you have. We'll make sure you know where to go and that you're comfortable in the environment. How much more comfortable can you get sipping a Chai in church?
Separate Coffee and Church
Sunset Junction: Intelligentsia Coffee

IntelligentsiaIf you aren’t already familiar with Intelligentsia (pictured above), it’s time to find the location nearest you. Founded in 1995 by Doug Zell and Emily Mange, Intelligentsia introduced Chicago to craft coffee, and in the 16 years since, the company has kept its hold at the top of the specialty coffee pyramid, even expanding with an additional roastery and cafés in Southern California. With a roasting facility and three retail cafés in Chicago, plus numerous local coffee shops carrying their coffees and blends, you have countless opportunities to caffeinate intelligently.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Papua New Guinea Coffee

The legendary internationally known premium coffee species, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee was established in PNG in the late 1930's. Go to any gourmet food hall: Harrod's, Galleries Lafayette, David Jones, in fact any speciality gourmet shop and see for yourself the price of Blue Mountain and you will agree that our Blue Mountain coffee is indeed rare and is the finest available. Our coffee is grown in the Papua New Guinea Highlands. It was first planted in PNG in the 1930's from seeds imported from Jamaica by the then British Administrators. At 5000 ft above sea-level where the climatic conditions are the same as the Blue Mountains of Jamaica.
The legendary internationally known premium coffee species, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee was established in PNG in the late 1930's. Go to any gourmet food hall: Harrod's, Galleries Lafayette, David Jones, in fact any speciality gourmet shop and see for yourself the price of Blue Mountain and you will agree that our Blue Mountain coffee is indeed rare and is the finest available. Our coffee is grown in the Papua New Guinea Highlands. It was first planted in PNG in the 1930's from seeds imported from Jamaica by the then British Administrators. At 5000 ft above sea-level where the climatic conditions are the same as the Blue Mountains of Jamaica.
The highlands, runs down the back-bone of the Country, separating Papua from New Guinea. The high altitude and cooler climate is perfect for the cultivation of high-quality Arabica Coffee. 70% of the population are still dependant on subsistence agriculture with small plots of coffee trees. Pure economics dictate traditional and natural farming methods as chemicals, synthetic fertilisers and pesticides are unknown and unobtainable because of the cost and logistics. Resulting in coffee with naturally low levels of caffeine and acidity, with absolutely no trace elements of chemicals and pollutants.
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea shares the eastern portion of the world's second largest island of Indonesia. PNG comprises of 600 islands situated just below the equator and to the north of
Papua New Guinea shares the eastern portion of the world's second largest island of Indonesia. PNG comprises of 600 islands situated just below the equator and to the north of
St. Helena: The Forgotten Coffee

If Napoleon Bonaparte had not been exiled to the island in 1816, St. Helena’s existence and the island coffee would probably have remained almost unknown. Because of the Emperor, St. Helena coffee gained attention in Paris where it enjoyed a brief vogue due to Napoleon’s praise during his incarceration. Four days before his death, Napoleon’s loyal aid, Marshal Bertrand, reported, “Tears came to my eyes at the sight of this man, who had inspired such awe...pleading now for a little spoonful of coffee.”
The English East India Company’s records indicate that coffee was introduced to the island in 1732 from Yemen. The first seed came from the Red Sea port of Mocha, aboard the fully-laden East India Company’s ship Houghton, which was returning under sail along the South Easterly trade wind route to Europe after taking on cargo in the East Indies.
Other than Napoleon’s endorsement, St. Helena coffee did receive intermittent recognition. In 1839, the London coffee merchants Wm Burnie & Co. stated, “We have submitted the sample of coffee received from St. Helena to the trade, who have tested it and pronounced it to be of very superior quality and flavor.”
St. Helena coffee then proceeded to top the London market, and in 1845 was securing prices above any other coffee, thus making it the most expensive and exclusive in the world. All of this did little to prevent the island coffee from fading from view, and, for many years, it appears to have grown wild on the tiny volcanic island.
Only within the last 15 years has St. Helena coffee re-emerged on the world market - except for once. Coffee from the island estates, then known as Coffee Ground Estate and the GW Alexander Estate, was sent to the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London, and received an honorable mention. Thereafter, the records grow vague and the coffee seems to have been forgotten to the world. Inaccessibility, caused by the demise of the sailing ship era, had a lot to do with it. Even today the only way to reach the island is by ship.
David Henry, chief executive of The Island of St. Helena Coffee Company says, “When we began working on what was the Alexander Estate, it was almost a jungle.” Today some of the original trees stand 30 to 40 feet tall! Much of the older coffee grows in an area of the island known as Sandy Bay, which is surrounded by the remaining one third of a spectacular volcanic crater rising 2,000 feet above sea level.
Henry spent several years delving into the East India records and researching the archive accounts. “I came across records stating where coffee had been planted here 250 years ago. So we went off into the valleys. We discovered patches of wild coffee. It took us ages to secure the land and rejuvenate the wild trees.”
At a singular coffee tasting, Henry prepared what he calls his breakfast and evening roast. These he cupped for me as both espresso and filter. The coffee has a full and complex aroma with a balance of ripe fruit including blueberries and dark chocolate. Its acidity is medium to high, with a full body. I would say St. Helena cups exactly where it is situated geographically, in between Africa and the New World. There are definite hints of its Yemeni origins, but with a new world brightness and cleanliness. Overall it is a full and complex coffee with amazing blends of fruit chocolate and spices.
To discover and enjoy St. Helena coffee, as I did that memorable evening sitting on the verandah overlooking the vast Atlantic Ocean, was really to have stumbled on an anachronism, given the extraordinary background of the island coffee. It was only as recently as 1994 that any new trees were planted, mainly self-same seedlings, or small soldiers taken off the wild trees.
The discovery, resurrection and intrinsic quality of this coffee owes almost everything to the fact that the trees all descend from a single source - the old cultivar of Green Tipped Bourbon Arabica imported to the island 269 years ago. Isolated on this island stronghold, from which not even Napoleon could escape, has kept the heritage pure. Generally today, world coffee production would typically consist of several Arabica types, many of which are new cultivars developed for greater wind and pest resistance and larger yields.
An unexpected surprise has been just how well St. Helena coffee performs as an espresso. Most gourmet coffees do not lend themselves well to espresso and, as a consequence, most espresso coffee is a blend. St. Helena coffee, to the contrary, has received positive feedback from Italian roasters and cuppers extolling its performance as an espresso. No one seems to be 100% certain why this is so. However, the supposition is that, because the coffee derives from a single strain, the bean cell structure is extremely even - so it reacts well under pressure (in the espresso process).
The uninitiated should know, too, that St. Helena coffee has another quirk. It is an extremely subtle bean, which makes it susceptible to damage. For instance, it is an awkward bean to roast, developing late in the roast and then very, very quickly.
Just how good is St. Helena coffee? In terms of cash paid for the St. Helena bean, there is nothing to surpass it - even Jamaica Blue Mountain, which for 70-odd years has dominated the gourmet coffee scene. A 17 gram-shot of St. Helena Green Tipped Bourbon Arabica at Harrods last year would have set you back £4.74. St. Helena coffee retails at $22 per half pound, shipping included. Kenyan, Hawaiian, Jamaican - and more recently - Galapagos-grown coffee all occupy the rarefied landscape of true gourmet coffee, and now St. Helena coffee is standing there amongst the best of them.
“You could ask 1,000 people if they had heard of St. Helena coffee and they would say no. If you ask 10,000 you might find one who says yes,” Henry says.
The overall scale of coffee production that is produced by the St. Helena Coffee Company, which is 98% of the island output, is minuscule. The company now has six estates. Henry said that when he started in 1994, the annual production was 1.5 tons. “It’s four times that now. I’m looking to increase production by about 20% each year for the next six to seven years, eventually hoping to produce around 25 to 30 tons. My nearest competitor, Jamaica Blue Mountain, is producing close to 1,000 tons!”
The gross domestic product of countries like Brazil and Columbia rest heavily on coffee. Relatively speaking, St. Helena coffee has a not dissimilar export potential. In the long term, the aim is 75 tons, which would require additional capital investment. “The key is always quality. Coffee is a long term thing, the break comes only after seven to eight years,” Henry says.
When the St. Helena coffee revival began, the island’s prospects as a coffee exporter were nil. St. Helena, being a British Overseas Territory, found itself on the wrong side of the International Coffee Agreement. Blissfully unaware of the complexity, Henry embarked on a crusade to have the rule changed to recognize St. Helena as a coffee exporter.
“I ran into a wall of bureaucracy,” Henry recalls. “World trade in coffee is controlled in a way similar to oil. Most people don’t realize that coffee is second only to oil as the world’s largest commodity.” Only with the backing of the U.K. Division of Tropical Foods, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, the International Coffee Organization and the U.N. was the island status changed. “Confirmation came through fairly quickly,” Henry remembers, “within about two years!”
This is when, in 1994, the Coffee Company set about rejuvenating existing plantations. “At that stage there was about five to six acres of coffee at Stagg’s Head coffee ground. The trees were about 40 years old and amid a lot of jungle. We did some secondary pruning but could not prune heavily because it was the only source of coffee that I had at the time.”
Since then, three new coffee areas have been developed - Napoleon’s Valley Estate and Bluemans Estate. Mount Aecton Estate, positioned just below the central ridge of the island at 2,700 feet above sea level, produced its first crop of coffee last year.
The estates are situated at different locations and altitudes around the island, each with its own microclimate. This has created a total harvest period spanning almost eight months. Only optimum red cherry is harvested on a weekly basis - and sometimes twice a week. All coffees are pulped, after first being sorted by hand, and then wet processed separately using spring water from the island peaks, with a two-stage fermentation, followed by a temperature-controlled underwater soak. All the coffee is stage-dried in suspended trays under a naturally ventilated roof covering. Coffee from each of the estates is bagged individually.
“Once the coffee is stage dried,” Henry says “I then rest it for a while, so it is stabilized. The death of any coffee is if it absorbs moisture after it has been dried. Great care is taken with that. I keep my coffee in parchment form before we hand sort it and size-grade it.”
Coffee sounds romantic, Henry admits, but working coffee is hard, physical labor. Being passionate about the product is what counts in the end.
The Island of St. Helena Coffee Company is accessible at Direct ordering as well as green bean sales can be done on-line. Delivery is dependent on the shipping schedule to and from the island.
World's most expensive coffee is separated from dung

A civet is a cat-like creature that eats the best of the sweet red coffee cherries harvest. The creature chews off the exterior and gulp down the hard inner core of the bean. When the beans go through the digestion process, most of the caffeine is removed and the resulting thing is a mellow coffee bean, which comes out with the dung. Amazingly, these coffee beans sell for up to $600 a pound after you get them out of the dung. You get five ounces of beans from one pound of civet dung. A mere 500 to 1,000 ponds of this coffee come to shelves each year, which accounts for the exceptionally high price. That's an outlandish, baffling technique but worth appreciation from all the coffee fanatics who fancy their brew.
$300 Spanish Coffee PORTLAND OREGON

$300 Spanish Coffee at Hotel Fifty, Portland
Megha Chaturvedi / Oct 1 2011
Nothing can beat a warm cup of coffee after a hectic day at work or in early morning hours when you need it the most. Though all of us are pretty much used to our usual cup of coffee, there are those blessed souls who can afford to sip this exclusive Spanish coffee that costs $300 per cup. Yes, H5O Bistro & Bar at the Hotel Fifty in downtown Portland has launched a $300 Spanish Coffee this week.
$300 Spanish coffee
This expensive Spanish coffee is made of rare blend of alcohol and coffee. The ingredients include one ounce each of Louis XIII Cognac, H5O Madagascar Vanilla Kahlua, Grand Marnier 150 Year, Licor 43 infused whipped cream , white truffle oil mist, and a gold flaked sugar rim.
The Hotel Fifty in downtown Portland is a perfect destination for people who want to spend some time amid contemporary atmosphere and classy food. The hotel has a comfortable H5O bistro & bar that offers a fresh, modern all day dining and bar experience. For more relishing experiences, do check out our coverage on the world’s most expensive coffee Kopi Luwak that costs $160 per pound.
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